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Getting started

This document describes how to get started with Kubinity.


Parts of this documentation may still be incomplete. If you found an issue or want to clarify a topic, we encourage you to head over to the repository of our documentation and suggest changes.


To access the cluster and deploy resources, you need KubeCTL. If you haven't already, check out the official installation guide on the Kubernetes documentation website.

Creating an account

Head over to the Kubinity console and register your account.

After your account has been created, you will be able to create namespaces. Head over to the "Service Accounts" tab of your namespace and download the Kubeconfig. KubeCTL usually expects this file to be at ~/.kube/config.

Note: Keep in mind that this file contains secrets, so please handle it with care!

And that's it! Just like that, you have access to your very own space on the cluster.

To test your access, enter this command:

$ kubectl get resourcequota

If everything went fine, you should see your current resource usage on the system.

And just like that, you have access to your very own space on the cluster. Welcome aboard!

Deploying a resource

To deploy a resource to a Kubernetes, you will need to create a manifest file describing that resource. Here is a very simple example of a resource (in this case a Deployment) that will spin up a bare-bones NGINX server:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
minReadySeconds: 5
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:latest
- containerPort: 80
memory: 10Mi
cpu: 10m
memory: 20Mi
cpu: 20m

After saving this manifest to a file (e.g. deployment.yml), you can deploy it to the cluster using KubeCTL:

> kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

deployment.apps/hello-world created

You can check if the resources have been created successfully by running:

> kubectl get pods

hello-world-7df56d9c98-92ngn 1/1 Running 0 3m7s

If you want, you can already access your application via the port-forwarding capability of KubeCTL. The following command will forward traffic on port 8080 of your local machine to port 80 in the pod, which is the port we specified in the deployment:

> kubectl port-forward deployment/hello-world 8080:80

Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80

You should be able to navigate to localhost:8080 in your browser and see your application!

A note about resources

During the initial testing phase of Kubinity, I decided to keep the resource limits fairly small. As a result,

Once Kubinity reaches enough maturity, it will be possible to allocate more resources in the cluster.

Next steps

If you want to learn more about creating resources in Kubernetes, check out this amazing tutorial on their website. If you are completely new to Kubernetes, the concept overview might help you make sense of some things. If you're still feeling lost, don't hesitate to join our Matrix room and join the conversation!